"Promoting School-Based Family Counseling Globally"
International Journal for School-Based Family Counseling
Senior Editor
Dr. Nurit Kaplan-Toren
Department of Learning, Instruction, and Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
All manuscripts should be sent to Dr. Kaplan-Toren

Associate Editors
Hans Everts, Emeritus Faculty, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Brian Gerrard, Institute for School-Based Family Counseling, Stuart, Florida, USA
Theresa Kruczek. Ball State University, Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana, USA.
Gertina van Schalkwyk, Emeritus Faculty, University of Macau, Macau, China.
Andrew Smith, Bethlehem Tertiary Institute, Tauranga, New Zealand.
Consulting Editors
Michael Carter, California State University,Los Angeles, California, USA
Ralph Cohen, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, USA
Daniela Dominguez, University of San Francisco, California, USA
Hans Everts, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
John Friesen, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Brian Gerrard, Institute for SBFC, Florida, USA
Judy Giampaoli, University of San Francisco, California, USA
Emily Hernandez, California State University,Los Angeles, California, USA
Dr. Belinda Hernandez-Arriaga, University of San Francisco, California, USA
Michael Kelly, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Kathie Laundy, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, USA
William Nicoll, Florida Atlantic University, Florida, USA
Andrew Smith, Bethlehem Tertiary Institute, Tauranga, New Zealand
Danielle Swick, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, USA
Marcel Soriano, Emeritus Faculty, California State University Los Angeles, California, USA
Gertina van Schalkwyk, Emeritus Faculty, University of Macau, Macau, China
The International Journal for School-Based Family Counseling is the official Journal of the Institute for School-Based Family Counseling (SBFC).
The purpose of the International Journal for School-Based Family Counseling is to advance the theory, research and practice of SBFC – which integrates school and family mental health approaches within a systemic meta-model, conceptualizing the child’s problems in the context of multiple interpersonal networks - family, peer group, school, and wider community.The term “School-Based” refers to the critical importance of the role of the school rather than its specific site. The SBFC model is flexible and holistic, and applicable to any situation in which it is useful to conceptualize the child’s problems in the context of more than one interpersonal network.The SBFC practitioner engages the child, the school, the family, and other pertinent networks in order to help bring about positive outcomes at both an individual and systems level. This engagement may be direct, or via consultation with other helping professionals.

Author Guidelines
The International Journal for School-Based Family Counseling invites articles concerned with theory, research, policy and practice on aspects of school-based family counseling. Please bear in mind that you are addressing an international readership. For example, describe local institutions and culture that help explain the context of your article. The Journal is published online and, at present, once a year.
All manuscripts must be the original work of the authors, not previously published, and not submitted for publication elsewhere. The International Journal for School-Based Family Counseling retains copyright ownership. For any extensive quotation (more than 500 words) used in the manuscript, authors must obtain a letter of permission for its use and submit a copy of the letter with the manuscript. Authors bear full responsibility for the accuracy of references, quotations, tables, and figures.